“Wacky weather is being reported across the United States, like strange cloud shapes and storm patterns that seem to be “alive.” Could this be related to increasing food shortages and what’s happening to farmers? What weather manipulation has already been proven to come from the scientific sphere? On tonight’s Friday Night Live, host Seth Holehouse brings on writer-researcher Justin Deschamps, journalist Ryan DeLarme, and comedian-content creator Simon Esler. You won’t want to miss the deep talks, belly laughs, and Weirder News these four will discuss tonight.”

Ryan DeLarme is an American journalist navigating a labyrinth of political corruption, overreaching corporate influence, a burgeoning censorship-industrial complex, compromised media, and the planned destruction of our constitutional republic. He writes for Badlands Media and is also a Host and Founder at Vigilant News. Additionally, his writing has been featured in American Thinker, the Post-Liberal, Winter Watch, Underground Newswire, and Stillness in the Storm. He’s also writes for alt-media streaming platforms Dauntless Dialogue and Rise.tv. Ryan enjoys gardening, kung fu, creative writing and fighting to SAVE AMERICA
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