Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a career swamp creature and stock trader extraordinaire, has had a rather rough go of it lately. Her high-society lifestyle has been consistently interrupted in recent weeks by peasant protestors who hold a less than favorable opinion of her continued and seemingly unconditional support of Israel.
Last month Pelosi spoke at a fundraiser in Seattle’s Westin Hotel that was disrupted by protestors demanding answers regarding her support for Israel’s war in Gaza.
These individuals, many of them female Californian progressives who’ve likely voted for Pelosi in the past, must feel a sense of betrayal that she’s not paying proper lip service to their “current thing,” in this case the indiscriminate slaughter and rampant human rights violations taking place in Gaza.
The reality is that, like all other establishment stooges, Pelosi has long been a steadfast and loyal supporter of Israel.
Perturbed over having her swanky fundraising event interrupted by unclean commoners, she decided to go on CNN days later and express her potent disdain for the hecklers.
You can hear the displeasure in her voice when she says “They’re outside my house all the time” just before she makes the completely unfounded, McCarthyesque claim that these protestors are somehow doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin.
These individuals, regardless of whether or not you agree with them, are exercising their constitutional rights to protest not just the war in Israel, but the role that the U.S. Government is playing in facilitating that war.
Nancy “Wrap-up smear” Pelosi does not like their position, so she defaults to the establishment Democrat’s standard operating procedure when faced with true dissent: labeling her critics agents of the Kremlin.
Even if you take the same stance as Pelosi on the conflict between Israel and Hamas and the U.S.’s role in said conflict, try to see what she is doing through an objective lens.
Nancy Pelosi frames this conflict—and any other foreign polciy issue you can point to—exclusively from the perspective of Vladimir Putin’s objectives. The Democratic Party has fostered this pathology not only among its members but also among its leadership.
Because these protestor’s views in this instance happen to align with Putin’s, then clearly they are in allegiance with Russia. Do you see how this works?
The most alarming thing about this rhetoric, especially in the post-Russiagate era, is how it actually works with certain Democrat audiences, particularly those who still consume the diseased filth oozing from the mouths of the corporate media punditry.
Another red flag worth mentioning from Pelosi’s CNN appearance is the way she brought up the FBI. Towards the end of the clip, she says “I think some financing should be investigated. And I want to ask the FBI to investigate that.”
The idea that she has the right to call on the FBI to investigate people, who were exercising their constitutional rights, based on some completely concocted connection she’s invented in her head is about as authoritarian as it gets.
Even the New York Times, which typically reports very favorably on Nancy Pelosi, was unwilling to defend her for that quip.
In a statement, a spokesperson for Ms. Pelosi pointed to a social media post by Ian Bremmer, a political scientist and professor at Columbia University, who wrote that “Putin benefits from continued war in Gaza and expanded chaos in the Middle East.”
The spokesperson said Ms. Pelosi would continue to focus on “stopping the suffering in Gaza” and demanding that all hostages be released…
“Speaker Pelosi is acutely aware of how foreign adversaries meddle in American politics to sow division and impact our elections, and she wants to see further investigation ahead of the 2024 election.”
Russia has expressed support for a cease-fire in Gaza, and Mr. Putin has used the conflict to criticize the United States’ role in the Middle East. Russia has also meddled in the United States’ past two presidential elections. (The New York Times, January 28, 2024)
Pelosi’s next run-in with protestors was caught on camera in front of her San Francisco home. This time she put a more conservative spin on her accusations, telling her heckler to “go back to China.”
Fast forward to this Wednesday, Pelosi was once again inundated with protestors inside the U.S. Capitol Building from the organization CodePink who screeched and jeered at her as she approached a vote to send additional funds to Israel.
Now, you might not agree with these protestors, you might think they’re just another posse of soy-guzzling libtards, but that doesn’t change the fact that they have every right to do so. There are plenty of the garden-variety conservatives who were out there championing free speech when campuses shut down speaking engagements by Ben Shapiro and Milo Yiannopolis over “hate speech” and making Liberals feel “unsafe,” who are now cheering when pro-Palestine demonstrations are shut down for the exact same reason.
It’s total hypocrisy.
Take Israel out of the equation for a moment and consider the greater implications at play here. This fracturing of the Left is a net positive for the America First crowd. Not only are they finally breaking from these establishment politicians, they are actively harassing them. You may not agree with their reasoning, but this could be catastrophic for Biden if he is indeed their choice for 2024.
Consider what Pelosi said during her CNN spot:
“I have every confidence that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be President and Vice President of the United States, I know we will carry the House and that we can improve our numbers in the Senate, and we’re going to do it because we’re going to own the ground with our organizing. We’re going to have a message of values for our country, and we’re going to have the resources to get the job done.”
What’s the “message of values” she’s speaking of? Feeding the Military Industrial complex with the blood of innocent civilians in Gaza and reluctant, conscripted soldiers in Ukraine? Good luck getting people who hate you enough to follow you around the country screaming their disapproval to organize strongly enough to counter the momentum behind Donald Trump.
The only way to counter this damage is to pull the old switcheroo with Gavin Newsome on the grounds that Biden is incapable of serving, and then have Newsome, the master of identity politics, posture as though he’s going to reign in Israel. And even if that is the play, AIPAC and the Israel lobby—arguably the most powerful special interest in Washington—will be none too pleased.
I, for one, am happy to see this, and I hope it continues through to November.

Ryan DeLarme is an American journalist navigating a labyrinth of political corruption, overreaching corporate influence, a burgeoning censorship-industrial complex, compromised media, and the planned destruction of our constitutional republic. He writes for Badlands Media and is also a Host and Founder at Vigilant News. Additionally, his writing has been featured in American Thinker, the Post-Liberal, Winter Watch, Underground Newswire, and Stillness in the Storm. He’s also writes for alt-media streaming platforms Dauntless Dialogue and Ryan enjoys gardening, kung fu, creative writing and fighting to SAVE AMERICA