It’s been one week since The Pit, a summit-styled event produced by Catherine Engelbrecht, of TrueTheVote, and Gregg Phillips. The following is a summary of the latest findings produced by those journalists, freelancers, and researchers who’ve invested time in pouring through the data made available.
The Pit debuted, a repository for all the information presented during the Pit event and much more, according to Phillips and Engelbrecht. Signing up for the service will grant access to archives of data. Bear in mind that the site is still being developed and it is not in a completed state.
Kanekoa The Great
Kanekoa has produced three articles as of the time of this writing.
Konnech built “, a ‘unique interactive communication platform and Chinese language learning tool.’”
The company’s focus, initially, appears to be on machine learning through the previously mentioned language learning tool, Chinese Brief.
While not covered in Kanekoa’s piece, there’s a case to be made for the fact that any app for use in the post-2007 era is for data-harvesting, user surveillance, and subtle manipulation, similar to the 2010 Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal. Freeware means you’re the product.
In support of this theory, Shadow Gate, a 2020 Millie Weaver production, details two whistleblowers, Tore and Patrick Bergy, both of whom worked within the shadowy world of IT as it is used to harvest and manipulate “humanity’s shadow”—as Bergy put it in the film.
Through the use of Interactive Internet Activities (IIAs), PSY-OPs of the information age are far more capable of harvesting personal data to create digital avatars for clandestine PSYOP development that can be used for subversive influence objectives via smartphones and other modern-day internet devices. Social media, search engines, and the media in general—to name a few elements—almost undetectably alter perception and value systems through their effect on the brain’s social systems.
In addition, over just 90 years, the delicate socio-cultural fabric that gave rise to one of the most productive economies and most powerful nations on earth has been almost totally destroyed—through the use of weaponized mass media. The IT revolution of the internet provided unparalleled distribution and finetuning capabilities for an already extremely effective subversive 5th generational war machine.
Social media has drastically changed the way we communicate, learn, share, and engage with the world—it’s also changing the way our brain functions.
According to Pew Research, more than 69% of adults and 81% of teens use social media daily, with more than 90% of teens using it for more than 4 hours a day. The constant ability to access social media through smartphones means our brains are exposed to high volumes of stimulation and our neurons are firing all day long, which creates changes in the neurological architecture of our brains.
Kanekoa writes in his first piece,
In December 2006, the company posted on their Facebook page, “… Confucius Institute at Michigan State University has reached an agreement with Konnech, Inc. to build—a unique interactive communication platform and Chinese language learning tool.”
Konnech’s PollChief software, which includes the “Election Worker Management System,” the “Asset Management System,” and the “MyBallot Tracking System,” are used by “thousands of election offices across North America,” Kanekoa writes.
In 2020, the Queensland digital news company stated, “count reporting problems on election night” were partly the result of “a new computer system not being tested as planned because “coding resources” were locked down in Wuhan”.
Kanekoa goes on to shed light on history of the CEO of Konnech, Eugune Yu.
According to his LinkedIn, Eugene Yu, the CEO of Konnech Inc., graduated from Zhejiang University in Zhejiang, China, with a bachelor’s degree in 1982 and from Wake Forest University with an MBA in 1988. He is a native Chinese and English speaker.
Eugene Yu at the 2014 National Association of Secretaries of State Conference Source: Linkedin
An October 26, 2018 article written in The West Australian entitled “Hacking over new software management system at Queensland’s Electoral Commission” says: “Yu has acknowledged that he uses a team of software developers in China for his election-related projects, including the new system expected to be operational in Queensland for the March 2020 local government poll.”
The important point here, in this writer’s opinion, is that voting software and election management systems are developed and proprietarily maintained by foreign actors, like China, who, by all accounts, have an interest in meddling in foreign elections.
Kanekoa then presents the various employees and related entities, all of which can be perused by reading the full article here.
The second, Obama And Hillary Recruit Poll Workers For 2022 Election, is not directly related to the Pit disclosures. However, PollChief software, which manages poll workers, appears to use proprietary software and machine learning tools to assist election riggers in selecting poll workers who will go along with the ploy. At least, this is the theory offered up for consideration by this writer.
Note: The lawful foundations of a citizen’s right to access allegedly proprietary voting and election software, the very foundations of law require that elections be transparent and open. Similar to a sports game, the rules that govern scoring and fouls must be clearly and explicitly disclosed to each team so that the methods by which the teams compete can be observed and verified by witnesses as free and fair.
Any company or entity producing voting software that claims its methods are proprietary to the point where voters and officials are unable to inspect, oversea, or audit their use—a disregard for one of the most fundamental aspects of what makes elections and voting truly effective—is either grossly incompetent or complicit in the fraud.
Lastly, the fact that so many people have been convinced that private, non-transparent, and unaccessible election and voting systems are the norm, unfortunately, is a damning indictment of the level of competence in the general population, experts, and officialdom at large. Fraud will continue until all citizens, whether officials or regular people, comprehend the true essence of voting and elections—and learn how to immunize the process against fraud at all levels effectively via citizen-level participation.
Kanekoa presents the shady history of Jinhua Konnech Inc.,
Consider that a patent application was filed in China for a system of “network voting of absent electorates” by Jinhua Konnech Inc. on February 4, 2015, under the names of Chen Wei (陈伟) and Shao Guojun (邵国君).
The rights of that patent were then transferred on October 7, 2015, from Jinhua Konnech Inc. to Jinhua Hongzheng Technology Co., Ltd. (金华鸿正科技有限公司), a Chinese election technology company also founded in 2015.
Rather impressively, Jinhua Hongzheng Technology Co., Ltd. is a software provider for the National People’s Congress (NPC) of the People’s Republic of China.
Hongzheng Technology builds hardware and software including mobile applications for more than 400 NPC clients in more than 20 provinces across China.
What security benefit for the US would be gained by transferring ownership rights of voting systems to China?
Furthermore, “Hongzheng Technology is also partnered with Lenovo, Huawei, China Telecom, China Unicom, and China Mobile and has branch offices in Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Wuhan among other places, according to the company’s website.” Kanekoa adds.
Recall that Huawei is currently being investigated for spying on military communications.
China’s Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. is being actively investigated by the U.S. Department of Commerce over fears that it could be using equipment installed on cell towers to spy on nearby military bases and missile silos.
Kanekoa discovered the following,
Meaning Shao Guojun (邵国君) not only turns up on a patent with Eugene Yu and Konnech Inc. in the United States, but his name also appears on a Chinese voting technology patent transferred from Jinhua Konnech Inc. to Jinhua Hongzheng Technology Co., Ltd in 2015.
This is just a small sample of all discoveries made by Kanekoa in this third article.
Patel Patriot
Patel Patriot, author of the Devolution series, released a short interview with Gregg Phillips.
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And here is an interview with Richard the Saint, wherein he details his belief that Gregg Phillips and True The Vote are running an information operation against the FBI.
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Brian Cates
Brian Cates, a political pundit and columnist formerly writing for The Epoch Times, X22 Report, and Uncover DC, has been posting updates on his Telegram channel since the event.
Been looking over TTV’s document drop from last night.I see no smoking gun at this point but what I’m seeing is amazing and very troubling.
Konnech is giving the CCP complete access to everything having to do with elections in over 20 US counties, down to the names of the kids of all of the election workers on record.
We won’t let CCP run our 5G with their tech for obvious national security reasons, but how many companies out there like Konnech with their PollChief software are essentially giving the CCP a direct window into the US election systems?
A smoking gun would be a preserved record of the CCP using this incredible level of access to influence an election outcome, but I haven’t come across anything like that yet.But the door certainly LOOKS like it’s wide open to that kind of thing.
Of course, a preserved record of foreign election interference is exactly what Mike Lindell spent most of last year claiming he had in the PCAPs.
Assuming any of that stuff was real, would they be holding it back to drop it after the MAGA researchers invited to The Pit are done digging and exposing just how wide open the door is to this kind of activity?
One possible benefit of maintaining records of poll workers and their children is intimidation. Should a poll worker be conscripted into election fraud schemes, and the AI machine learning software profiles them as a possible leaker or turncoat after the fact, a spook from any one of the entities involved could coerce or intimidate the poll worker into remaining silent.
As I said the other day, this massive breach of US national security infrastructure does not involve a few politicians or gov’t officials in DC.
It involves the 1.8 million Americans who had their personal information handed to the CCP regime and stored on a server in Wuhan, China. Because they are election workers in their county.
We already know that China has been engaged in a massive level of infiltration/influence operations inside the United States.Did any of these election workers become targets of such influence operations?
Konnech needs to explain why this level of access was allowed to the CCP.Was there a good and valid reason for allowing this level of access?
Cates presents a screengrab of PollChief’s license approval.
Here’s the request approval to sole source Konnech’s PollChief in LA County for “all future elections”.
Something that stood out to me here is M&S…modeling and simulation. Why on Earth would they need to simulate anything regarding elections? Is it solely for training purposes?
Here, Cates shares a screengrab describing where and how funds were procured for Konnech.
This is where all the Konnech $$$ came from.
And Cates continues to elaborate on the screengrab here.
Ok, so we have a non-profit call CTCL providing a grant to Detroit to help count absentee ballots. How generous of them. What are they all about? Read very carefully. Mark Zuckerberg and his wife injected approximately $350 million into CTCL through SVCF.
Unless all these things have been done, your Secretary of State cannot LEGALLY certify your county’s election results.
Too many times nobody challenged corrupt election results until after the election was over.
This time patriots are going to be proactive.Steps will be taken in many counties to verify that all these requirements have been met before the election is held.
Where We Go 1 We Go All
Here is a post from Where We Go 1 We Go All detailing iPetitioner software, developed to streamline the signature collection process. Could these be stored and applied to illegal ballots later?
#Konnech has software named iPetitioner, whose sole purpose is to streamline the Signature collection Process. Launched in 2013 and still going strong as recent as 2018 (granted a Section 8, 5 year trademark registration)
It takes MANY signatures to get on the Ballot, For Example over 15,000 to run for Senator in NY. Imagine 9 years worth…that’s a huge database of American Voter Signatures.
Surely something this sensitive would only be stored in the United States right…
During the course of probing one such software provider, in early 2021 Gregg and his team stumbled across an IP address for a server that was purportedly associated with a company named Konnech, at least according to the records of services that track IP address ownership and location.
That IP address, it turns out, was located in China—it was evidently used by some instances of the software application for a period of time, before switching to a new IP address in Grand Rapids Michigan.
Geolocation tools that I used suggest that the server that was hosting this address in China was somewhere near Hangzhou, possibly somewhere near Zhejiang University.
While Gregg and his team were investigating, they ran some routine cybersecurity checks to see what services were being used by that Chinese IP address to determine what was behind it. One of these routine “scans” showed a port on that IP address—27017—that is typically used by a database application called “MongoDB” (I’ll explain some of these terms more fully in just a bit.)
Let’s take a technical look at what MongoDB is before we get to what it is that they reportedly discovered.
But first, we’ll take a step back to bring you up to speed on some basics and explain some of the terms. Databases are software systems that store large collections of data for fast lookup, correlation, reporting, and retrieval by software applications.
Here, he takes the time to explain some of the IT terminology and fundamental concepts.
For those who are curious, SQL Servers are based on the mathematics of set theory (if you’ve used a Venn Diagram, or if you took some advanced math in high school or college you probably have a basic idea of what sets are) and they also rely heavily on something called Linear Algebra. This is a branch of math that deals with vectors and 2D, 3D or higher dimension “matrices”. This is what makes them fast and efficient and manipulating data.
If you’re familiar with Microsoft Excel, then you know that a spreadsheet is just a simple form of a 2D matrix of information: a sheet in Excel has rows and columns of cells which contain and organize data.
A SQL server is analogous in some ways to a spreadsheet, but it is more sophisticated. It stores data across many “tables” (think sheets in Excel) — and tables that are meant to link together in some fashion are stored in collections that are called, well, “databases.”
an example of an Excel table
SQL servers are designed for types of data that are relatively clean and ‘well-structured’; one typically puts data into various tables, which are then linked to each other in a ‘relationship’ by some field that is common to both tables. In this way you can “lookup” data in one table using a related value in a column in some other table.
SQL servers are typically used for very large, very well-structured data when you need really fast results to make your software run smoothly.
A relationship diagram for various tables in a SQL database
However, not all problems that you find in the real world are a good match for ‘well structured’ databases like SQL. Sometimes you need to work with data that is messier or only loosely-structured—or structured in a way that may frequently change because you haven’t yet worked out all the final details of your application just yet.
In SQL databases, a single ‘record’ has the same format (fields) as any other record (for example, think of a single row of an excel spreadsheet table as a ‘record’.) For instance, imagine a ‘pollworker’ record for a polling place —it might have, for example, a field for name, address, phone number, email address etc. with one ‘record’ for every poll worker. You might also have information for emergency contacts, or other family members related to that poll worker.
SQL databases are common and useful, but there is also a type of database called a “No SQL” database. These kinds of databases are different; they allow each record to potentially have different numbers (and sizes) of fields, with perhaps only a few fields per record kept in common. For example, maybe one worker’s record has some extra fields that the other worker’s records don’t typically have, like secondary phone numbers or extra email addresses.
When you have less well-structured databases, or data that doesn’t “fit well” into a SQL table—or if you have a need to quickly add new fields as you’re developing your software without having to rebuild your database every time you make some major change—it is now common to use one of these “No SQL” databases.
They are just easier for programmers to work with—if the software requirements for data changes, it is often faster and easier to “upgrade” the application when the data is in a NoSQL database than if it is in a more rigidly structured SQL database.
Software development gets done faster, which saves the company money. You just tack on a few new fields for certain new records, leave the old records alone, and program your application to recognize when it sees a new format for data records and act appropriately.
These kinds of databases are also conceptually easier for less skilled programmers to use, they “connect up” to modern web applications more easily, and they have grown in popularity over the last decade. MongoDB was one of the first and one of the more popular ones in use these days.
Sometimes, a “NoSQL” database is used during early software development because of the flexibility in rapidly changing the data structures as the program gets fleshed out; but then once the program reaches final product stages, it is converted to a SQL database because the data structures aren’t expected to change as much after the program goes on the market, and SQL servers perform faster.
The ease of use of NoSQL databases like MongoDB for unsophisticated programmers, however, is a problem: because less skilled (and less expensive) programmers can and do use them, they often overlook certain critical security settings because of their lack of knowledge.
He then starts to lay out what Gregg Phillips found regarding MongoDB, using analogies to help non-professionals understand the situation easily.
Let’s briefly use a “house” analogy here for a moment to make this easier to grasp. Think of the “house” as the IP address, and the “ports” are the doors and windows on the house—ways to get into or out of the house.
A common practice for cybersecurity professionals who are exploring a network is to “test the locks” when they find “open windows or doors” as they walk around a “building” of interest, and in this case, they did a quick check on the MongoDB port (“rattled the windows”) to see if it responded.
When it did, they next tried a pretty basic thing: they tested to see if they could log into it with the default, “out of the box” username and password. That would be a pretty dumb thing for the owner of this machine to have left in place, but it is surprisingly common.
In other words, as the cyber team rattled the windows and doors, they found a boneheaded error on the MongoDB installation that only a novice would be expected to make. The doors and windows weren’t even locked. In fact, they were wide open.
So Gregg’s team was able to “walk in the front door”, as it were, because there was no lock on the door, and “look around the place.”
What they found was shocking: they found data that included personal details of nearly 1.8 million US poll workers. Details like their names, phone numbers, addresses, etc. Even the names of family members: things that might routinely be collected when you hire someone and issue them a paycheck.
But they also reportedly found rich details about where election machines were located, including floorplans of buildings used in elections. Nominally, this information would be of use by the election agencies, because the application they were using helped them track their election machine inventory.
China apparently has a law that any data found on its Internet belongs to the government, so in effect, China has “custody” of anything that existed on this server.
Perhaps because of the fact that Chinese programmers know this policy about the CCP, they are lazy and don’t bother much with securing their database servers; it could be a cultural thing—kind of a “what’s the point, it all belongs to them anyway” attitude among some workers. It could also be that the more talented programmers take jobs in other countries, while the more incompetent ones stay behind to work in China.
It isn’t in dispute that someone incompetent did this; the data was exposed. What isn’t known is who exactly did it, and what relationship they had to the vendor Konnech.
However, the situation is even worse than it first appears: because the MongoDB database was *completely* unsecured, it was also possible for interlopers to not only read all of its data—but also potentially add, overwrite and change data.
For instance, someone could have added a few dozen unscreened poll workers who were unvetted and were acting as plants sent in to do someone’s bidding on the election machines or ballots.
But that brings us back to an earlier point: the CCP views any data on China’s networks as belonging to the government: whether it was exposed due to incompetence, or not. They don’t care; it belongs to them.
Since Gregg and his team were able to “walk in the front door” because the doors and windows weren’t locked, it stands to reason that China’s own cybersecurity teams may have done so as well…and therefore the CCP could have, and likely did, come into possession of this same US poll worker data.
Just Human
Just Human produced his synopsis of the event in The Pit: A Story in Three Acts (the portion not streamed).
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Jordan Sather
Jordan Sather shares insights about The Pit.
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More revelations from The Pit will likely be forthcoming.
Gregg Phillips has been releasing a steady stream of updates on his Truth Social @greggphillips.
If there are any updates not contained in this post, please submit them to
Justin Deschamps is an epistemologist, researcher, and public speaker, passionate about omniology. He discusses a wide range of topics for the betterment of mankind in and through the enhanced capacity to think critically, discern wisely, and expose corruption. He hosts Vigilant News and Knowledge Based on Badlands Media, and writes, produces, and hosts the show Into The Storm on
GLASGOW, SCOTLAND — Seven men and four women participated in a child sex abuse ring involving witchcraft, Ouija boards, and the killing of animals, prosecutors alleged in court.
The eleven-person group molested, raped, abused, filmed, and photographed two girls and a boy, who were all underage, revealed in an indictment, reports the Daily Mail.
Between January 2010 and March 2020, the abuse and illicit activity occurred. The precise details of the alleged satanic nature of the abuse have yet to be revealed.
The accused are: Iain Owens, 43, Elaine Lannery, 38, Lesley Williams, 40, Paul Brannan, 40, Marianne Gallagher, 37, Scott Forbes, 49, Barry Watson, 46, Mark Carr, 49, Richard Gachagan, 44, Leona Laing, 50, and John Clark, 46.
Owens and Lannery, both of Thornliebank Scottland, neglected the three children, along with another child.
The suspects face 43 different charges, listed in a 14-page indictment, revealed in a hearing at the High Court in the Townhead, Maryhill, and Craigend areas of Glasgow.
The gruesome facts that were presented to the court are as follows.
One of the girls was forced into a microwave in an attempted act of murder on the part of her abusers. She was also held in a refrigerator and an oven.
Animals were killed, and satanic “seances” were performed.
Cloaks and devil horns were worn by the eleven-person group of seven men and four women during some of the acts of abuse.
An Ouija board was used to call on spirits and demons, which was a feature of the ring’s activities.
The young boy was made to stab a budgie bird to death.
All of the children were forced to take part in satanic “seances” that involved the killing of animals, including dogs.
All three of the children were raped at different times, while the group “clap, clear and verbally encourage”.
A ten-year-old girl was filmed being sexually assaulted.
The young boy allegedly was made to “courier controlled drugs” for his eleven captures.
Five of the accused allegedly assaulted the young boy, including when the boy was put in a bath, he was told, was filled with blood.
From December 2015 to June 2019, four of the accused allegedly attempted to murder the younger of the two girls, beginning when she was only weeks old.
The youngest girl was also hung from a nail on the wall via her jumper.
The same girl was also made to “act like a dog” and eat pet food, in addition to being chased while wearing a devil mask.
One of the girls was threatened with being trafficked to a Turkish male by two of the accused.
One of the accused, Owens, faces more charges than he raped the older girl, along with four others who face indecency accusations.
Owens and another woman, Lannery, were accused of sex abuse involving the boy and the younger girl.
Other allegations state that all eleven were involved in the rape of the older girl, at various times, wherein four of the accused “cheered” during the assault.
Owens and Lannery were accused of having sex in front of children.
Owens and Brannon were accused of raping the boy.
Lannery and Williams were accused of forcing the boy to watch a video of one of the girls being attacked.
Lannery is charged with molesting the younger girl before Owens, Williams, and Brannan raped her, with the girl being held down in a cot by all eleven at one point. While this was happening, the women were accused of clapping and cheering while the boy and the older girl, who filmed what happened, were shut in a room.
Owens and Lannery face additional charges of “attempting to defeat the ends of justice and attempting to pervert the course of justice,” hanging up the phone the older girl used to call the police and disposing items to avoid prosecution.
Five others were named in the indictment but are said to be deceased.
Judge Lord Beckett scheduled an eight-week trial for September 2023, in addition to a hearing set for October.
No evidence of the group having connections with high-profile officials has surfaced.
Justin Deschamps is an epistemologist, researcher, and public speaker, passionate about omniology. He discusses a wide range of topics for the betterment of mankind in and through the enhanced capacity to think critically, discern wisely, and expose corruption. He hosts Vigilant News and Knowledge Based on Badlands Media, and writes, produces, and hosts the show Into The Storm on
Earlier this month Vigilant News reported that leaked texts from Liz Cheney’s star witness Cassidy Hutchinson painted quite a different picture from the act she put on before Congress. Now, further private communications have been acquired by the Federalist.
After Hutchinson provided several since-debunked stories to congress, texts surfaced between the witness and a point of contact from the First Amendment Fund, a group that was started by the American Conservative Union for the purpose of helping Trump officials cover legal costs related to the politically motivated January 6 investigations.
In the text message, Hutchinson refers to the J6 Committee as “BS”:
The single screen capture was enough to raise a few eyebrows, but now the Federalist claim to have nearly 18 months’ worth of private chats between friends from the Trump Whitehouse, and one of them is Mark Meadows’ junior aide Cassidy Hutchinson.
During Hutchinson’s recent testimony before the committee, she claimed that she “still struggle[s] to work through the emotions” of Jan. 6. Yet, according to the Federalist, in one message sent three months after January 6th 2021, Hutchinson said “I would rather shoot myself dead into the Potomac than see marine one flying around this city without 45 again,”, a stark contrast to the production she put on before Congress.
The decidedly anti-Trump establishment media was quick to brand Hutchinson as a “show-stopping witness” whose testimony would echo through the halls of American history; which may still prove true, but likely not in the way that it was intended. The Intercept, for instance, tried to draw comparisons between Hutchinson and Alexander Buttler of Watergate fame.
Back in November of 2021, Cassidy Hutchinson was among the first to be subpoenaed by the select committee. In the following months, Hutchinson continually disparaged the highly politicized committee, often joking about the very same riot that she claimed left her emotionally scarred. According to the Federalist, six days after her subpoena Hutchinson referred to the J6 Committee as “phony”, and told a former colleague that her testimony would “have nothing to offer”.
“Other than a handful of irrelevant texts, I have literally no documents or anything they’re asking about,” one ex-White House staffer texted her.
“Same,” she wrote back.
In a group chat, a friend shared a tweet from another former White House colleague.
Hutchinson apparently praised the Tweet, saying “When we win again, we’re making her comms director Or press sec.”, on top of that, Hutchinson allegedly used the phrase “STOP THE STEAL” in December of 2020 in regards to efforts to contest the 2020 election.
The Federalist revealed more:
“By March, she was joking about placing a prominent image of Trump addressing his supporters from the White House Ellipse on Jan. 6 in the background of her Zoom-recorded deposition with the Select Committee. She also joked she might use an image from an infamous scene in the Oval Office where Vice President Mike Pence awkwardly sat between Nancy Pelosi and President Trump.”
Apparently, Hutchinson also had quite a different view of the Committee Vice Chair Liz Cheney and her cohorts than what was seen during the J6 production. In September, Hutchinson disparaged Cheney and Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger, the two Republicans hand-picked to serve on the committee by Pelosi, as a “crop of losers.”
“I think Liz being the ‘future of the GOP’ is a massive stretch,” Hutchinson wrote in one string of messages just two months before her appearance. “I think she does have the power to cement the anti-Trump, RINO movement and really capitalize off it on a national scale. She’ll never ever turn the tides in her favor. Ever.”
“Even if Trump were to fall off the face of the Earth, her neocon policies are not where the base’s ideological politics currently are nor will head,” she wrote. Still, she conceded that Cheney’s hatred of Trump had tremendous sway thanks to corporate media’s amplification and assistance. “But I do think this maneuver is by consequence ‘future-shifting’ for the GOP in that she does have the power of the media, the determination and the cut-throat mentality to capitalize off this.”
Less than one year later, Hutchinson embraced Cheney on live television after radically changing her story to match what Cheney and the corporate media desired.
According to the Federalist piece:
Hutchinson claimed that CNN’s Jim Acosta contacted her and said to her, “Thank you for your bravery and courage. We and the American people look forward to learning more from your testimony.” Hutchinson said she had “about twenty snarky responses typed to respond back but just let it go … Like stop WARPING everything you [f——] [j—–] … and also I couldn’t give less of a [f—] what cnn thinks of me. Truly.”
Within weeks, Hutchinson would be basking in the glow of effusive praise from Acosta and other partisans at CNN, many of whom described her as more important than CNN contributor John Dean.
Hutchinson did not respond to this story by press time.
Ryan DeLarme is an American journalist navigating a labyrinth of political corruption, overreaching corporate influence, a burgeoning censorship-industrial complex, compromised media, and the planned destruction of our constitutional republic. He writes for Badlands Media and is also a Host and Founder at Vigilant News. Additionally, his writing has been featured in American Thinker, the Post-Liberal, Winter Watch, Underground Newswire, and Stillness in the Storm. He’s also writes for alt-media streaming platforms Dauntless Dialogue and Ryan enjoys gardening, kung fu, creative writing and fighting to SAVE AMERICA
Former White House Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor for President Trump was found guilty of two counts of contempt of Congress, for refusing to appear, despite a subpoena, to answer questions for the House select committee for January 6ths—Rep Liz Cheney’s show trial. Sentencing has yet to occur.
Bannon was indicted last November for refusing to appear at the J6 committee. He also refused to provide documents, asserting executive privilege under Trump, which is derived from the separation of powers doctrine of constitutional law.
Now that he has been found guilty, the charge is considered a misdemeanor crime, with each punishable count incurring a fine of up to $1,000 and 12 months in jail—as the maximum.
Upon sentencing, Bannon will face a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 days incarceration and up to one year behind bars. He could also be fined between $100 and $100,000. He is expected to appeal.
“This case is not complicated, but it is important,” Assistant U.S.
Attorney Molly Gaston told jurors during closing arguments on Friday.
Bannon, Gaston argued, “did not want to recognize Congress’ authority” or play by the government’s rules.
Trump pardoned Bannon in 2020 for his involvement in the We Build The Wall Project. That pardon will not be applicable in this situation, as Banon’s contempt took place after the fact.
Bannon took the time to chastise Rep. Bennie Thompson, edited into a short video below.
Justin Deschamps is an epistemologist, researcher, and public speaker, passionate about omniology. He discusses a wide range of topics for the betterment of mankind in and through the enhanced capacity to think critically, discern wisely, and expose corruption. He hosts Vigilant News and Knowledge Based on Badlands Media, and writes, produces, and hosts the show Into The Storm on
The Jan. 6th committee is set to resume hearings this Tuesday and Thursday. Tuesday’s hearing will specifically focus on “extremist groups” and their activities leading up to the event at the capitol.
Committee member Zoe Lofgren, a Democrat from California, told CNN:
“We are going to be connecting the dots during these hearings between these groups and those who were trying – in government circles – to overturn the election,”
The goal is to “connect the dots” between these civilian “extremist groups” and those in Trump’s circle (Bannon) who questioned the integrity of the election, something a large percent of the country is also questioning.
The committee hopes to demonstrate a clear link between Bannon and others from the Trump administration and such groups, particularly the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys.
Former Proud Boys spokesperson Jason Van Tatenhove is expected to testify, as he claims to have knowledge of the inner workings of the organization.
Most notable will be the testimony of former Whitehouse Strategist Steven K. Bannon, who notified the committee that he was willing to testify after President Trump waived executive privilege.
Bannon had previously refused to comply with committee subpoenas and was last year charged with two counts of contempt of Congress.
Bannon’s attorney Robert Costello said in a letter to the committee:
“President Trump has decided that it would be in the best interests of the American people to waive executive privilege for Stephen K. Bannon, to allow Mr. Bannon to comply with the subpoena issued by your Committee,”
Bannon’s testimony is yet to be scheduled. The Justice Department lawyers who are litigating Bannon’s contempt of Congress charges seem to be skeptical of Bannon’s Motives.
DOJ lawyers said in a court filing:
“His continued failure to comply with the subpoena’s document demand while claiming he now will testify suggests his actions are little more than an attempt to change the optics of his contempt,”
Bannon had previously argued that he did not have to comply with subpoenas after Trump invoked executive privilege, but federal prosecutors say that because Bannon was a private citizen at the time of the capitol riot, such privilege did not apply.
Ryan DeLarme is an American journalist navigating a labyrinth of political corruption, overreaching corporate influence, a burgeoning censorship-industrial complex, compromised media, and the planned destruction of our constitutional republic. He writes for Badlands Media and is also a Host and Founder at Vigilant News. Additionally, his writing has been featured in American Thinker, the Post-Liberal, Winter Watch, Underground Newswire, and Stillness in the Storm. He’s also writes for alt-media streaming platforms Dauntless Dialogue and Ryan enjoys gardening, kung fu, creative writing and fighting to SAVE AMERICA