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This is the hub for all midterm-related news.
The first bit of funny business came out of Maricopa county Arizona.
Polls opened at 6 AM and within minutes voters were being told that the tabulators are not working. Interestingly enough, Democrat Gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs is the sitting Secretary of State currently in charge of the elections.
Instead of tabulating their ballot directly, voters are being told to put their ballot into a box under the tabulator so that their ballot may be tabulated at a later time downtown.
Long lines in Anthem, Arizona with Poll Workers explaining that the @maricopacounty machines are not working.
Do not get out of line! pic.twitter.com/lInh8KnTz3
— Tyler Bowyer (@tylerbowyer) November 8, 2022
This comes despite assurances from the Carter Center, a globalist organization that is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, that the machines were functioning properly.
The Carter Center, despite its dubious funding, will be “watching” elections in several key states. Even the most raging leftist with their “Tax the Rich” mentality should be concerned that 2 of the world’s richest men are funding this organization.
Voting machines in Mercer, New Jersey are experiencing a “programming glitch” that is causing issues with the Dominion machine’s ability to process votes. Voters are not being turned away, but are being asked to fill out ballots manually and place them in the slot for manual counting later.
From the New Jersey Globe:
Voting machines throughout Mercer County are facing technical difficulties this morning, but no voters are being turned away and machine votes are still being cast.
The issue involves a programming glitch with optical scanners, which count votes after ballots are filled out.
Programmers from the voting machine manufacturer, Dominion, are in site trying to work through the problem, the New Jersey Globe has confirmed.
“There is a slot on the top of the scanner and voters can vote and are voting manually,” said Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami Covello. “We are asking poll workers to use the official ballots because they can still vote them manually and place them in the slot in the scanning machines and we will count them manually.”
While issues with optical scanners won’t prevent voting — ballots are still being printed properly – it could delay the counting of votes tonight. That might impact the speed by which election return in Hamilton, Lawrence, East Windsor, Hightstown and Robbinsville – all towns in New Jersey’s 3rd congressional district potentially impedes counts in the closely watched House race between Rep. Andy Kim (D-Moorestown) and Republican Bob Healey.
Now it appears that the tabulators in Texas are also on the fritz.
Arizona GOP Chair Dr. Kelli Ward tweeted this out moments ago–
It’s not only happening in Arizona… https://t.co/05P9t78iPB
— Dr. Kelli Ward 🇺🇸 (@kelliwardaz) November 8, 2022
Additionally, the Gateway Pundit released a list of concerns and anomalies they’ve compiled so far, you can view that list HERE.
UPDATE – 12:43 EST
Charlie Kirk from Real America’s Voice and the Charlie Kirk Show tweeted out that
Poll worker in Maricopa County confirms "nothing's working" for the last half hour. Explains misread ballots will get counted downtown tonight. pic.twitter.com/DO6BxhV7Vq
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 8, 2022
The question remains, what brand of republican will be used to count the votes? Will it be an establishment stooge or a MAGA patriot?
Update – 12:54 PM EST
In Michigan, on Tuesday morning, Secretary of State candidate Kristina Karamo reported that voters in Michigan are being told they already voted.
DETROIT FRAUD ALERT: From @charlielangton.
This is why we filed the lawsuit in Detroit.
Voters show up — only to be told they already voted absentee.
It’s already happening. This is a CRIME, not an oversight.
SHARE THIS EVERYWHERE. #LAWLESSELECTIONS pic.twitter.com/osle9y7abZ— Kristina Karamo (@KristinaKaramo) November 8, 2022
“I’m here at Nolen School here in Detriot. … We did get a little problem. Some people who did vote here say … when they showed up to vote in person, they had already voted absentee—not the case. Election officials in Detroit, they’re aware of the problem, they are encouraging officials to use hardcopy voter lists, not electronic lists. And they say anyone who shows up will be allowed to vote.”
Manipulating voter lists is one of the techniques used by fraud pushes to prevent voters from voting or to inject illegal votes into an election tabulation total.
Washington Examiner reported in 2019:
“Hemingway reports that Los Angeles County has an astonishing 1.6 million more people listed on its voter rolls than there are actual, voting-age residents of the county. Statewide, California’s official voter registration stands at 101% of its population, which is astounding considering that many Californians are not even citizens. Obviously, when there are more names are on the lists than voters, there is plenty of room for error, mischief, or outright fraud.
California is hardly alone. Eight whole states, plus the District of Columbia, have “voter registration tallies exceeding 100%,” as do 15% of all American counties.
“In sum, America’s voter rolls are a mess – and everyone knows it,” Hemingway writes. “While voter registration rates over 100% are not proof of fraud, they certainly create opportunities that otherwise wouldn’t exist, such as voting twice in different precincts or the potential for requesting and filling out invalid absentee ballots.”
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has blocked Attorney General Merrick Garland’s election monitors from entering polling locations.
The DOJ deployed personnel to “watch” poll workers in 64 key battleground precincts in 24 states. DeSantis pushed back and told the feds they are not welcome in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties.
“Earlier today, the Florida Department of State received copies of your letters to Miami-Dade and Broward Counties in which you seem to indicate that the Department of Justice will send monitors inside polling places in these counties,” the DeSantis Administration wrote in a letter to John Russ, Deputy Chief & Elections Coordinator.
“We also understand you sent a similar letter to Palm Beach County. But Department of Justice monitors are not permitted under Florida law. Section 102.031(3)(a) of the Florida Statutes lists the people who “may enter any polling room or polling place.” Department of Justice personnel are not included on the list. Even if they could qualify as “law enforcement” under section 102.031(3)(a)6. of the Florida Statutes, absent some evidence concerning the need for federal intrusion, or some federal statute that preempts Florida law, the presence of federal law enforcement inside polling places would be counterproductive and could potentially undermine confidence,” the letter read, according to the Floridian Press.
FOX reporting on tabulation issues being reported
Donald Trump made a statement on Truth Social
Gateway Pundit reports,
The Champaign County Illinois Clerk’s Office announced the computer server is under cyber-attack.
The cyber-attacks have been ongoing for the last month.
The Champaign County Clerk's Office is reporting that computer server performance is being impacted by cyber-attacks on the network and servers, causing some delays at polling locations.https://t.co/zMd0Q67o4o
— WCIA (@WCIA3) November 8, 2022
WCIA reported:
The Champaign County Clerk’s office is reporting that computer server performance is being impacted by cyber-attacks on the network and servers.
The Champaign County Clerk said the website has been the target of repeated D-DOS attacks for the past month, fortunately the reinforced security and response from the Clerk’s IT team has prevented these attacks from being successful and the Clerk’s website has remained secured. No data or information has been compromised and the election is secure.
The Clerk’s Office reports that Election judges and staff are doing everything they can to process voters according to the requirements of election law while navigating these attacks. They are encouraging people to stay in line.
It appears that Democrats in Pennsylvania are attempting to circumvent election rules against counting ballots that arrive in envelopes that are either improperly dated or not dated at all.
According to The Philadelphia Inquirer, Pennsylvania senatorial candidate Lt. Gov. John Fetterman is suing to have such ballots counted despite state law.
Fetterman is in a tight race against his Republican opponent, celebrity doctor and television personality Mehmet Oz.
In a race like this, every single vote is going to count.
A northeastern Pennsylvania county has extended voting by two hours to 10 p.m. EST after it suffered a shortage of paper ballots.
A judge at the Luzerne County Court of Common Pleas signed an order shortly after 1 p.m. EST extending the voting time two hours beyond the statutory close of polls at 8 p.m., per Section 1205 of the Pennsylvania Election Code.
The petition for an extension, filed by the Luzerne County Board of Elections, stemmed from a shortage of ballot paper in the county.
The order was opposed by Democratic Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, who is running for the U.S. Senate against Republican physician Mehmet Oz.
According to reports, Fetterman plans to appeal the decision to the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Claims Court.
A Judge just ruled that Luzerne County polls will be open until 10 pm now due to the paper shortages.
Shortly after the polls opened at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, voters were reported to have complained that long lines were observed at precincts in Luzerne County, per the petition. Between 30 and 42 precincts, out of 186 in the county in total, had run out of special ballot paper necessary to be scanned by electoral counting machines, which count the votes and store the ballots.
Election judges, who oversee precincts, initially tried to use their own paper to print ballots and scan them through the machines, a Republican poll observer said.
However, the paper for these ballots could not be scanned by the machines, which only accept paper curated to certain specifications.
Some election workers expressed dismay and opposition to the notion that they would be required to stay beyond 8 p.m., “If they think we’re going to stay here past eight o’clock, we will leave.”
Luzerne County, which encompasses the Town of Hazelton, is a top swing district in this year’s midterm elections, per Politico. The county voted twice for Barack Obama before voting for Donald Trump in 2016.
The county is located within Pennsylvania’s 8th Congressional District, where incumbent Democratic Rep. Matt Cartwright is challenging Republican candidate Jim Bognet, a former Vice President of the Export-Import Bank of the United States. That House race is considered a “Toss Up,” which “Leans Republican,” per Larry J. Sabato’s Crystal Ball.
Other counties across the country had polling times extended. In Cobb County, Georgia, another battleground state, two precincts – Kennesaw and Oregon – had polling times extended after they opened later than scheduled.
This article will be updated hourly until all votes are counted.

Ryan DeLarme is an American journalist navigating a labyrinth of political corruption, overreaching corporate influence, a burgeoning censorship-industrial complex, compromised media, and the planned destruction of our constitutional republic. He writes for Badlands Media and is also a Host and Founder at Vigilant News. Additionally, his writing has been featured in American Thinker, the Post-Liberal, Winter Watch, Underground Newswire, and Stillness in the Storm. He’s also writes for alt-media streaming platforms Dauntless Dialogue and Rise.tv. Ryan enjoys gardening, kung fu, creative writing and fighting to SAVE AMERICA
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