Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization, is continuing to pursue ratifying what has been called a “Pandemic Treaty,” urging nations to sign to better prepare for “Disease X.”
Analysts have warned that the so called pandemic treaty, a subversive initiative that’s gone through several name changes over the last year and a half, would essentially elevate the WHO to a defacto world government in the event of another pandemic or global health crisis.
Author’s Note: I’ve written extensively on this topic for Badlands Media, to learn more please read Behold, a Trojan Horse and The WHOs Last Stand.
“‘Disease X’ is a placeholder for an unknown pathogen that could cause a global emergency,” Ghebreyesus recently wrote on Twitter. “History has taught us that we must anticipate new threats. Failing to prepare leaves the world prepared to fail.”
Naturally, the WHO Director did not miss an opportunity to make a case for the treaty at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, last week.
“The pandemic agreement can bring all the experience, all the challenges that we have faced, and all the solutions into one. And that agreement can help us to prepare for the future in a better way because this is a common enemy and without a shared response, starting from the preparedness you know we will face the same problem as COVID,” Ghebreyesus said.
The deadline for the agreement has now been pushed back to May 2024.
“It’s better actually to anticipate something that may happen, because it has happened in our history many times, and prepare for it. We shouldn’t face things unprepared,” Ghebreyesus also said.

Ryan DeLarme is an American journalist navigating a labyrinth of political corruption, overreaching corporate influence, a burgeoning censorship-industrial complex, compromised media, and the planned destruction of our constitutional republic. He writes for Badlands Media and is also a Host and Founder at Vigilant News. Additionally, his writing has been featured in American Thinker, the Post-Liberal, Winter Watch, Underground Newswire, and Stillness in the Storm. He’s also writes for alt-media streaming platforms Dauntless Dialogue and Rise.tv. Ryan enjoys gardening, kung fu, creative writing and fighting to SAVE AMERICA