Ryan DeLarme,
June 9th, 2022
The good people at VoterGA released a report Thursday providing evidence that Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger may have received as much as an additional 15% of votes added to his totals in the recent Georgia primary.
Garland Favorito and his team at VoterGA released the report early Thursday morning and shared the following:
VoterGA first presented an Election Night graphic showing Georgia’s voting system allocated 3,317 votes to a Fulton County School Board District 7 candidate who was NOT on the ballot! That same graphic showed candidate Phil Chen with zero votes at 10:12 on Election Night even though he actually received 49.7% of the vote in the race. Chen has challenged the outcome of that contest.
VoterGA also added more detail about the problems in the DeKalb District 2 Commission race where a hand count audit determined that the Dominion Democracy Suite 5.5 voting system shifted thousands of Election Day votes from one candidate to another and selected the wrong winners to face each other in a runoff. They presented excerpts from a letter written to the DeKalb County Board of Elections by VoterGA co-founder Garland Favorito. It explained a variety of reasons that the irregularities found could not be solely attributed to a candidate alignment error after one candidate withdrew from the race. The massive discrepancies also appear to be attributable to a Dominion system counting error.
But perhaps the most stunning news was the evidence collected from an audit monitoring team during the Cobb County Vinings cityhood hand count audit on Monday. The team monitored a majority of those Election Day ballots in the Vinings 04 precinct that were being hand-counted. The monitoring team decided to count the votes of incumbent Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger while the cityhood count was in progress.
The team found that Secretary Raffensperger received about 53% of the Republican Election Day votes for Secretary of State in that precinct. That would be in line with the statewide voting percentages that enabled him to avoid a runoff except that the Dominion voting system awarded Raffensperger 68.4% of those same votes. Thus, the Dominion software attributed 15% more votes to Raffensperger’s totals than the actual ballots seem to show when monitors counted Raffensperger’s votes.
“We are concerned that the algorithm that appears to be adding unearned votes to Raffensperger’s totals is running statewide,” VoterGA co-founder Garland Favorito noted. “It is imperative that the SOS race be audited in all counties. That is why we filed Open Records Requests to get an independent copy of the ballots in all counties so we can verify the electronic results.”
Here is VoterGA’s complete report:

Ryan DeLarme is an American journalist navigating a labyrinth of political corruption, overreaching corporate influence, a burgeoning censorship-industrial complex, compromised media, and the planned destruction of our constitutional republic. He writes for Badlands Media and is also a Host and Founder at Vigilant News. Additionally, his writing has been featured in American Thinker, the Post-Liberal, Winter Watch, Underground Newswire, and Stillness in the Storm. He’s also writes for alt-media streaming platforms Dauntless Dialogue and Rise.tv. Ryan enjoys gardening, kung fu, creative writing and fighting to SAVE AMERICA