Nancy Pelosi’s home in San Francisco was allegedly broken into early Friday morning, where her husband, Paul Pelosi, was violently assaulted. The attack is still under investigation, but the story has already been muddied by establishment figures rushing to shape the narrative.
Drew Hammill, a spokesperson for Nancy Pelosi, said in a press release:
“Early this morning, an assailant broke into the Pelosi residence in San Francisco and violently assaulted Mr. Pelosi. The assailant is in custody and the motivation for the attack is under investigation. Mr. Pelosi was taken to the hospital, where he is receiving excellent medical care and is expected to make a full recovery. The Speaker was not in San Francisco at the time… The Speaker and her family are grateful to the first responders and medical professionals involved, and request privacy at this time.”
In the days following the attack, more harrowing information began to trickle out.
The Western Journal added:
The motive behind the attack is “still being determined,” Scott said, adding that San Francisco police were leading the investigation in conjunction with the FBI, the U.S. attorney’s office, the U.S. Capitol Police and San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins, who was with him at the briefing.
The police chief said DePape would be booked on charges of attempted homicide, assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse, burglary “and several other additional felonies.”
The 911 Call
During the 911 call made by Paul Pelosi, he referred to his attacker as a “friend,” The Daily Mail reported.
As the story goes, Pelosi was supposedly talking in code to the 911 operator so as to not agitate his attacker, David DePape, but the operator knew something was amiss when Pelosi said to his attacker “What’s going on? Why are you here? What are you doing to me?”
The operator is then heard contacting the police and saying
“’He states there is a male in the home and that he is going to wait for his wife. He stated that he doesn’t know who the male is but that his name is David and that he is a friend. He sounded somewhat confused.”
“It was thanks to Mr. Pelosi having the ability to make that call” and the “instincts of that dispatcher to realize something was wrong” that police were able to get to the scene quickly, San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins said to CNN. “They got there within two minutes to respond to this situation.”
The police didn’t share how David DePape entered the house in their first press conference. They did mention that they charged him with burglary but that was it. In the second San Francisco Police Department press conference on the matter on Friday, the police provided more information. The police shared:
“I can confirm that Mr. DePape forced entry into a rear door at the rear of the Pelosi home.”
But elements of the story do not add up.
As per the Gateway Pundit:
For one, if an individual broke into the home of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, there surely is a surveillance system that would tell the police and numerous entities that the house had been broken into. There’s no doubt that the Pelosis’ home has a security system. This system likely includes motion detectors as well. Any movement near the house or broken glass would immediately be registered at the surveillance company. They in turn would notify the police of the encounter. Also, there are likely police cars circling the neighborhood where the Pelosis live. But the police reported that Paul Pelosi made the call to the police. Paul Pelosi never shared that the home was broken into.
There are also questions about this event being a burglary. DePape reportedly forced entry into a rear door. But a video from yesterday shows that there was glass on the outside of the home on the stairs behind the house. If the window was broken from the outside, wouldn’t the glass be on the floor on the inside of the house?
A video on Friday reportedly showed the house with broken glass outside on the stairs behind the house.
Surely there is video footage of this window being broken, yes?
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) October 29, 2022
If the glass window was broken from inside the house wouldn’t the glass be on the outside of the house?
When glass breaks, can you tell the difference between whether it was broken from the outside of the window vs inside the house?
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) October 29, 2022
Additionally, it’s been reported that DePape was in his underwear when the police arrived. This means that he most probably took off his clothes inside the house. This is because anyone walking around in that neighborhood in their underwear would immediately be arrested. This is not something that someone could do in that neighborhood. Also, why did Paul Pelosi refer to him as a friend on the phone?
Also, if it was a burglary, what did Depape steal? Is there any evidence that he had things in his possession that he was stealing when the police arrived? Not that we know of. Was he hiding something in his underwear?
It also sounds like someone else let the police into the home. Who was this? Why did this person not call the police when the house was supposedly broken into? Was there more than one other person in the home?
Finally, what injuries did DePape incur? He too was sent to the hospital and in the first press release the police mentioned that they worked on his injuries before sending him to the hospital along with Paul Pelosi.
The one thing the police can do to clear this all up is release the police and surveillance camera videos. This would likely answer most of these questions.
Greg Price appeared on Bannon’s War Room Saturday morning to elaborate on the strangeness surrounding the narrative:
The Spin
Immediately, and predictably, the figureheads of the corrupt American political establishment set to doing what they do best, blaming MAGA republicans.
President Joe Biden on Friday appeared to insinuate without substantiation that DePape was motivated by the same anger that fueled the mob that flooded into the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
During the suspect’s intrusion into the Pelosi home, he is said to have yelled, “Where’s Nancy?” according to press accounts attributed to an unnamed law enforcement source. The scenario is eerily similar to AOC’s odd recount of Jan. 6th.
The suspect’s reported demand to know the House Speaker’s whereabouts prompted President Biden to float an unsubstantiated link between Friday’s home break-in/hammer assault to the unruly crowd breach of the Capitol almost two years ago to protest suspected electoral meddling.
“It’s reported that the same chant used by this guy they have in custody was used on January 6th in the attacks on the U.S. Capitol,” Biden said Friday at a Democratic fundraiser in Philadelphia, the Washington Times reported. “This is reported. I can’t guarantee it. We can tell you what’s being reported.”
Biden wasn’t the only one pushing the idea that the attacker was somehow connected to the right, Hillary Clinton also wasted no time pouncing on the unfortunate event.
Hillary shared an LA Times piece that aimed to paint Paul Pelosi’s “attacker” David DePape as a far-right conspiracy theorist.
The Republican Party and its mouthpieces now regularly spread hate and deranged conspiracy theories. It is shocking, but not surprising, that violence is the result. As citizens, we must hold them accountable for their words and the actions that follow.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 29, 2022
Elon Musk weighed in, suggesting to Hillary Clinton that “There is a tiny possibility there might be more to this story than meets the eye.”
[Tweet Removed]
The original link to the article was scrubbed from Google but here’s a quote from the archived version of the article:
As SF’s gay bars closed at 2 am, two gay men met in a bar and went home together. Happens every night in the City by the Bay. Except one of these two men, was married to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
It’s been a rumor for years in SF that Paul Pelosi is gay. David Depape is said to be a Castro Nudist. “The lunatic who allegedly assaulted Paul Pelosi is a Berkeley resident and a ‘Former Castro Nudist Protester’.
It is uncertain if this article was taken down due to inaccuracy or pressure.
Additionally, the mainstream media attributed two websites to David DePape, trying to frame him as a conservative. Reports appear to be conflicting, stating that DePape was a “homeless and a drug addict” while also somehow managing two conservative websites.
FOX News reported on the websites reportedly connected to DePape:
Facebook disabled DePape’s profile early Friday and declined to answer questions. At least two online blogs under DePape’s name are stocked with posts from the years of 2007 and 2022 speaking of “censorship,” “Big Brother,” and pedophiles. One contained calls for violence and antisemitic content. It was not immediately clear that he was responsible for the posts, and San Francisco police did not immediately respond to questions about DePape’s online presence.
The LA Times also reported as well on the websites.
In the months before police accused him of attacking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Friday morning, David DePape had been drifting further into the world of far-right conspiracies, antisemitism and hate, according to a Times review of his online accounts.
In a personal blog that DePape maintained, posts include such topics as “Manipulation of History,” “Holohoax” and “It’s OK to be white.” He mentioned 4chan, a favorite message board of the far right. He posted videos about conspiracies involving COVID-19 vaccines and the war in Ukraine being a ploy for Jewish people to buy land.
DePape’s screeds included posts about QAnon, an unfounded theory that former President Trump is at war with a cabal of Satan-worshipping elites who run a child sex ring and control the world. In an Aug. 23 entry titled “Q,” DePape wrote: “Either Q is Trump himself or Q is the deepstate moles within Trumps inner circle.”
The problem with this narrative is that the websites cited by the mainstream media that were supposedly aligned with DePape were created on Friday and they are no longer active today, Saturday.
The site was opened on Friday and shut down on Saturday.
If you try to link to it now, you will find it has been shut down.
The other site listed, is no longer active as well. It too was created on Friday and shut down on Saturday. The only activity on this site as well was in the last two days.
Despite the persistent insinuation that the attack is somehow directly linked to the widely contested 2020 election, former President Donald Trump shared his reaction to the assault in a new interview on Saturday.
Americano Media asked Trump if he thought the Pelosi attack was a reflection of rising criminal activity happening in the U.S.
Trump said in the interview:
“These people are crazy. They’re going to release stone cold killers out of the jails. Nobody knows why. I mean, they need room or something. Yeah, with Paul Pelosi, that’s a terrible thing; with all of them, it’s a terrible thing. Look at what’s happened to San Francisco, generally, look at what is happening in Chicago. It was far worse than Afghanistan,”.
The Culprit
The FBI has since widened the investigation into an attack. According to reports on Saturday, agents have visited a home that neighbors refer to as a “hippie collective” in Berkeley, Calif.
“FBI visits Berkeley home tied to Pelosi beating suspect,” NBC Bay Area investigative reporter Jaxon Van Derbeken noted on Twitter Friday in a post that included a photo of the home. “The Victorian is dubbed a ‘hippie collective’ by neighbors.”
FBI visits Berkeley home tied to Pelosi beating suspect. The Victorian is dubbed a “hippie collective” by neighbors
— Jaxon Van Derbeken (@jvanderbeken) October 28, 2022
A sign in one of the windows says, “Berkeley Stands United Against Hate,” while another looks to be a handwritten “Black Lives Matter” sign. Across from the home, there appears to be an LGBTQ banner adorned with marijuana leaves resembling an American flag.
As per Just the News:
“The composite portrait of DePape emerging from Bay Area accounts depicts a tortured soul — a hemp jewelry maker and hard drug user who lived for a time in a Berkeley storage unit, former member of the Green Party, and best man at the wedding of San Francisco public nudity activist Gypsy Traub. In posts on a since-removed Facebook account and personal blog, DePape railed disjointedly against election fraud, COVID tyranny and globalist subversion, according to press accounts.”
Gypsy Taub, the former partner of David DePape, claims DePape is “mentally ill” and once came home after an extended disappearance thinking he was Jesus. Taub called local outlet ABC7 from the California Institution For Women in Corona, and said she was “the ex-life partner of David DePape and the mother of his children.”
Taub, who was found guilty last year on 20 counts including a kidnapping attempt, has apologized to the Pelosis, saying that she is “super progressive” and that she “admires” Nancy Pelosi.
Narrative Criticism
Below we’ve compiled a compilation of tweets from prominent figures in regard to the high strangeness surrounding the attack.
Human Events Daily host Jack Posobiec shared footage of an interview with one of Pelosi’s neighbors.
Actual interview of neighbors from Paul Pelosi's attacker doesn't line up with the mainstream media narrative at all
— Jack Poso
(@JackPosobiec) October 30, 2022
Dinesh Desouza made no bones about expressing his take on the matter in a response tweet to Musk and Clinton.
1. Assailant in his underpants 2. Paul Pelosi knows his name and tells police he’s a “friend.” 3. Assailant asks “where’s Nancy?” to make sure she’s not home. 4. Pelosi takes bathroom break from spat and makes 911 call
Conclusion: This guy was a sex partner or male prostitute!
— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) October 30, 2022
Award-winning investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald had a few questions
I'd like to know:
* How someone broke into the home of one of the richest and most powerful families without setting off an alarm.
* How Paul Pelosi could call 9/11 in the middle of this.
* Who is the "unknown" person who opened the door for the police?
* Where is the video?
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 30, 2022
It's very possible that the instantly formed media narrative — Paul Pelosi's attacker was a MAGA fanatic who broke in to murder Nancy — will be proven true.
But right now there are so many glaring doubts and holes in that story that it just takes common sense to question this.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) October 30, 2022
Rand Paul expressed his condolences.
No one deserves to be assaulted. Unlike Nancy Pelosi’s daughter who celebrated my assault, I condemn this attack and wish Mr. Pelosi a speedy recovery.
— Rand Paul (@RandPaul) October 28, 2022
We will provide updates here as more information becomes available.

Ryan DeLarme is an American journalist navigating a labyrinth of political corruption, overreaching corporate influence, a burgeoning censorship-industrial complex, compromised media, and the planned destruction of our constitutional republic. He writes for Badlands Media and is also a Host and Founder at Vigilant News. Additionally, his writing has been featured in American Thinker, the Post-Liberal, Winter Watch, Underground Newswire, and Stillness in the Storm. He’s also writes for alt-media streaming platforms Dauntless Dialogue and Ryan enjoys gardening, kung fu, creative writing and fighting to SAVE AMERICA