Ryan DeLarme,
June 2nd, 2022
The World Economic Forum is essentially the face of globalism today. We know that they espouse such things as “the Great Reset” and “the Great Narrative” and they do it in a much bolder fashion than previous globalist think-tanks like the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, or the Bilderberg group.
We reported on some of the things coming out of Davos last week, particularly a potential “green” social-credit system. While it is true that the forum has been receiving more attention and scrutiny now than ever before, many onlookers remain unaware that most of today’s crises are a direct result of WEF policy pushed by forum members who also happen to be installed within the governments of many nations.
First, let’s look at energy, where shortages have led to the highest gas prices the US and UK have ever seen. Unfortunately, the perpetually imminent, amorphous bogey-man the elites have branded as climate change has completely changed the world’s energy situation.
[A side note on Climate-Change vs True Environmentalism: It is important that we do not conflate well-branded buzz terms such as “climate change” with environmentalism itself. It is totally possible to care about being good stewards of the planet and practicing without falling for the “climate change” scam. The term came about after the global-warming data manipulation scandal broke as an attempt to rebrand. It’s the globalist strategy of using a perceived impending crisis as a way to consolidate power and create new forms of economic warfare. If you’d like to learn more I highly recommend reading Climategate by Brian Sussman.]
Blaming members of the WEF for our current crisis is a bold statement, let me explain what that actually looks like.
- Canada’s tar sands wouldn’t have been demonized and the country would have built the Keystone XL Pipeline and other pipelines to transport ever greater quantities of energy across the continent and beyond.
- Liquefied natural gas facilities on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Asia, the Americas, and Europe would have been built to ship and receive plentiful natural gas.
- “Net Zero” policies are crippling the financing of new fossil fuel facilities. Carbon taxes wouldn’t be making energy ever more expensive.
In the same fashion that the United States became the world’s largest oil and gas exporter during the Trump administration after we scaled back crippling regulations, Europe could have been awash in energy had bans on fracking and offshore fossil-fuel development been lifted to allow the development of its immense oil and gas reserves.
The WEF relies on prophecies of certain doom to create a sense of urgency behind its policies. What they don’t tell us is that their ominous forecasts are based on computer climate models, all of which have proven false to date.
Despite these climate policies, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere—now at 400 parts per million—has reached record levels. Many consider this to be a good thing because CO2—also known as nature’s fertilizer—has produced a bounty of bumper crops. Australia reports record wheat, barley, and canola crops and near-record sorghum crop. India and Brazil also expect record numbers.
Regardless of these record crop numbers, starvation is on the rise. The United Nations warns that we’re in the midst of a “global food crisis” in which “44 million people in 38 countries are at emergency levels of hunger.” Here, too, the responsibility rests with globalist policies that make food unaffordable.
The primary contributing factor to famine is the supply chain disruptions caused by the globalists’ decision to abandon traditional responses to pandemics in favor of an experimental lockdown of much of the world’s economy. Another contributing factor to supply chain disruptions was the globalists’ decision to perpetuate the Russia-Ukraine war by providing Ukraine with billions in armaments, a departure from the past norm of pressuring combatants to resolve their differences through negotiations. As a result, agricultural production in Ukraine, once known as the breadbasket of Europe, collapsed, with wheat production falling by 44 percent and corn by 39 percent.
This barely touches on the myriad additional concerns regarding the World Economic Forum and the ideas they have for the world, but hunger, inflation, and gas prices are a great starting point. These are things that affect every single one of us.

Ryan DeLarme is an American journalist navigating a labyrinth of political corruption, overreaching corporate influence, a burgeoning censorship-industrial complex, compromised media, and the planned destruction of our constitutional republic. He writes for Badlands Media and is also a Host and Founder at Vigilant News. Additionally, his writing has been featured in American Thinker, the Post-Liberal, Winter Watch, Underground Newswire, and Stillness in the Storm. He’s also writes for alt-media streaming platforms Dauntless Dialogue and Rise.tv. Ryan enjoys gardening, kung fu, creative writing and fighting to SAVE AMERICA