Joe Biden, in a September 2022 interview with 60 Minutes, stated that “The pandemic is over” to the chagrin of the establishment media and even his own staff.
Outlets like NPR were quick to criticize the statement, saying that at least 400 people were still dying of COVID every day. These types of vague statements persist even though most of the public is unaware of what actually qualifies as a COVID death (#)(#), or just how accurate the PCR tests actually are. These are still points of contention between the two prevailing narratives.
The CDC has significantly eased up on its restrictions, but many people are still wearing masks and carrying on as if this type of behavior really is the “new normal”. “15 days to slow the curve” became a two-year sentence, and by the time the lockdowns were over, COVID fear seemed to have ingrained itself into our society.
But not everyone was susceptible to this fear.
Across the world, freedom-loving people decided to stand up for their rights, and push back against what many saw as excessive overreach.
And others hope to take things a step further.
Joe Biden may be ready to try and sweep the last two years under the rug, but there’s a veritable army of physicians, lawyers, and everyday citizens the world over who aren’t willing to let what they see as crimes against humanity go quietly into the night.

There are two prevailing narratives in regard to the origin and purpose of SARS-CoV-2.
The mainstream narrative, supported by a majority of the Intelligence Community, adamantly suggests that the outbreak was caused by “natural exposure to an animal infected with (SARS-CoV-2) or a close progenitor virus”
The other narrative, one that has been gaining more traction as time goes on, is that the virus was either accidentally or intentionally released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. (#)(#)
The trail of evidence, and it is now a substantial amount of evidence, points toward the Wuhan lab leak as the probable origin.
Some of the world’s most accomplished medical professionals, an army of legal experts, and sleuths across the internet have been putting together a compelling case that the pandemic may have been the result of a man-made bioweapon, and that its planning began decades ago.
Though many of the leading voices of this movement are not in complete agreement about certain aspects of what has been called a “worldwide plandemic” there are some points of nearly unanimous agreement:
- COVID-19 is a bioweapon and possibly the product of gain of function research paid for with our tax dollars.
- There are people in the US government as well as private individuals who had advanced knowledge of the pandemic.
- Through an intricate web of corporations and institutions, what has been referred to as the “pandemic virus industrial complex” has facilitated quite possibly the largest upward transfer of wealth in human history.
- The deeper purpose behind the pandemic is to consolidate power and move the world closer to global dictatorship.
Naturally, claims as bold as these require substantial evidence. Fortunately, there is more than enough evidence to build an irrefutable case against what can only be described as the Pandemic Industrial Complex.
The Supporting Evidence
It was a physician named Jonathan Latham who first introduced the phrase “Pandemic Virus Industrial Complex” during a lecture in January of 2021 on the various COVID-19 origin theories. He used the phrase to describe the academic, military, and commercial complexes that are driving the pandemic agenda and obscuring all facts that indicate SARS-CoV-2 is a manmade virus.
Just like the military-industrial complex, the pandemic virus industrial complex is a set of interlocking corporations and other institutions that feed off of and support each other in a self-reinforcing way.
Marion Koopmans, a dutch virologist with the World Health Organization, has been a thorn in the side of WHO Director Tedros Ghebreyesus, one of the primary players in this “global health” system. Koopmans has accused the WHO of undermining her research into the origins of COVID. Koopmans also claimed that WHO has been planning on ten years of infectious diseases, and that 2020 was only year one.
Maybe it’s just a coincidence, but it is worth noting that in 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation, which has a history of backing population control mechanisms such as eugenics and GMOs, also published “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” describing a “coronavirus pandemic” that results in worldwide tyranny. In the Foundation’s own words, in a section for a hypothetical future called “Lock Step” it mentions “A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.”
In 2015, another player Dr. Peter Daszak, head of the EcoHealth Alliance that funneled research dollars from the NIAID to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for coronavirus research, stated: “We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage, to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.” Daszak has publicly boasted about manipulating a killer SARS-like virus in Wuhan [Clip start at 0:40] and has claimed to have been working with the US Central Intelligence Agency.
Between the years 2017 and 2018, hundreds of millions of COVID-19 test kits were distributed worldwide. Of course, every major “fact-checker” claims to have debunked this truth, but upon closer inspection, the “debunking” does not hold up under scrutiny. They claim that since the test kits weren’t labeled as being specifically for COVID-19 until after the outbreak was announced, the claims are untrue, but the fact remains that they were indeed used to fuel and track the pandemic (while also producing false positives #,#).
On its own, this information might seem innocuous, but the devil is in the context…
In 2017, Anthony Fauci guaranteed that a “surprise outbreak” would occur within the next 4 years. (Clip: ) Bill Gates echoed similar sentiments in an OpEd for Business Insider around the same time. Think about that, arguably the two biggest names associated with the pandemic industrial complex just happen to simultaneously predict a global pandemic as hundreds of millions of tests are distributed worldwide. It’s either one of the world’s greatest coincidences or supporting evidence of a conspiracy.
2017 must have been a big year for the burgeoning Pandemic Industrial Complex, as Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security also published a “futuristic scenario” describing a coronavirus pandemic that would emerge in Southeast Asia called SPARS.
One year before the coronavirus outbreak, a European virologist trained global leaders in the globalist non-profit think tank Chatham House aka Royal Institute for International Affairs (the European arm of the Council on Foreign Relations) on how to ensure control over the public during a pandemic by creating fear through inflated death numbers, as well as how to manipulate the public into getting vaccinated. [Clip starting at 1:10 ] We see the continuation of this tactic today with assurances that “at least 400 people are still dying every day”.
6 months before the coronavirus pandemics’ official start date, the Australian Government published a 230-page management plan for an influenza pandemic.
5 months before the Pandemic officially hit, the World Health Organization was already instructing nations to prepare for such an event, saying that Countries, donors, and multilateral institutions (a nicer way of saying “the Pandemic Industrial Complex”) must be prepared for a “rapidly spreading pandemic due to a lethal respiratory pathogen”.
In the same month, the Global Vaccination Summit called for “strong surveillance systems” to ensure ongoing injections for the entire world population.
4 months before the pandemic, Bill Gates organized an exercise called Event 201, a simulation exercise on a worldwide corona epidemic. An emphasis was put on “global business and government working together”.
In that same month, Fauci and HHS officials at the Milken Institutes Future of Health Summit discussed the need for a “global event” to “disrupt the system” thereby making the public more willing to accept an experimental mRNA vaccine.
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These are just a handful of examples from an Everest-sized mountain of supporting evidence suggesting that this pandemic was manmade, released intentionally, and planned long ago.

Ryan DeLarme is an American journalist navigating a labyrinth of political corruption, overreaching corporate influence, a burgeoning censorship-industrial complex, compromised media, and the planned destruction of our constitutional republic. He writes for Badlands Media and is also a Host and Founder at Vigilant News. Additionally, his writing has been featured in American Thinker, the Post-Liberal, Winter Watch, Underground Newswire, and Stillness in the Storm. He’s also writes for alt-media streaming platforms Dauntless Dialogue and Ryan enjoys gardening, kung fu, creative writing and fighting to SAVE AMERICA