Hosts: Justin Deschamps & Ryan Delarme
Website https://vigilant.news/
Show Notes:
Nancy Pelosi had priests perform ‘exorcism’ on home after husband’s attack, daughter says
Corrupt Mainstream Media Colludes to Censor Reporting of Diamond’s Memorial Service – Blackout of President Trump Continues https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/corrupt-mainstream-media-colludes-censor-reporting-diamonds-memorial-service-blackout-president-trump-continues/
‘I Felt Like I Was Dying’: Elon Musk Makes Scary Claim About Booster Shot
The FAA has very quietly tacitly admitted that the EKGs of pilots are no longer normal. We should be concerned. Very concerned.
Carbon Credits Are The Biggest Scam Since Indulgences… How You Can Avoid Being Fleeced
Justice Department ‘May’ Search Other Locations Linked to Joe Biden After More Classified Documents Turn Up at Wilmington Home
Catholic journalist George Neumayr dies in Africa
‘There will be no Cars’ – Saudi Arabian Diplomat Celebrates Utopian Development that Eliminates Ownership Of Private Vehicles https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/will-no-cars-saudi-arabian-diplomat-urges-public-eliminate-ownership-private-vehicles-video/
Egg Crisis Sparks Soaring Interest In Backyard Farms https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/egg-crisis-sparks-soaring-interest-backyard-farms
Meta-Facebook Takes Ukraine’s Nazi Azov Regiment Off Dangerous Organizations List
Australia: Death by Heart Attack Surges by 17% in 2022 – What Changed?
Wisconsin Lawmakers Introduce Common Sense Legislation that Forces State to Scrub Voter Rolls of some 3.6 – 3.8 million Inactive Voters
Aretha Franklin’s “Natural Woman” Deemed Offensive by Trans Community
UPDATE: Los Angeles Police Find Monterey Lunar Festival Mass Shooter Dead in His Vehicle
New Strain of Multi-Drug Resistant Gonorrhea Detected in the US for the First Time
Consumers Forced onto Prepayment Smart Meters May Be Able to Sue “after experiencing rises of up to 700% in their bills”
Devolution is coming. Join the Revolution.
FBI building in Washington, D.C., ‘ugliest’ in U.S., survey
Many of worst mass shootings post-COVID have occurred in states with tight gun laws, data shows
Africa Is Starkly Unvaccinated, And Starkly Unvanquished By COVID
Fox Weatherman Viciously Beaten After Standing Up for Old Man on Subway
Woke Reboot Bombs: Now the Third-Worst Rated TV Show on IMDB
6 Dead, Including 3 Children, After Kite Strings Slit Their Throats at Festival
Moderna Begins Administering New MRNA Shot That Is Injected Directly Into the Heart
Priests Were Called to the Pelosi Home: Report
CBP Figures Show Highest Monthly Total Of Illegal Crossings EVER Recorded
Musk’s Father: “I’m Really Afraid Something Might Happen to Elon”
Swift Ends Cryptocurrency Access to Global Marketplace
FDA considers major shift in COVID vaccine strategy
Book of the Week
The Invisible College – The Great European Secret
DESCRIPTION: “You know, an all-out battle on land, and heavy battles in the sea, and this total bombardment over Rotterdam and over London, the High Cabal is operating here.” Sir Winston Churchill High finance, the High Cabal, has been running the Brotherhood of Light very secretly for over 1500 years. It has grown stronger. From this Cabal of the Roman Empire, fashioned again in Venice in 697AD, white slaving and currency manipulation in the Eastern Mediterranean arose. It became the ruthless mask of the Knights Templar, who invaded Europe and Britain in AD 1150. The Red lodges that resulted from that period still exist today. By the mid-16th century the Cabal was back again, this time smashing the monasteries, introducing slavery, large houses and currency manipulation, and controlling the East India Company that held power over a fifth of the world’s population. So we trace here the Cabal’s hoof prints into the still existing and unsolved Templar mysteries, into the Round Table, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission of today. And we review the world of central banking and of the scientific frauds, such as Darwin’s theories and the man-made global warming nonsense from the Club of Rome. After reading this there is no need to ask who started the American Civil War or Russian Revolution, melted the gold teeth from Auschwitz into the gold bars of the Bank of International Settlements as it resisted closure at Bretton Woods and moved towards World Bank. No need to ask who plans to move democracy into a commune of the oligarchy in which ALL but the bankers will be the peasants of a new political system called “Nazi-Communism”. This is the story of the High Cabal, Brotherhood of Light and Seven Churches of Asia. But it is also the hardheaded story of the European Union, who designed it and what it really is. The Great European Secret remains secret until these words are read, and it is still the Invisible College; until good people ensure it is otherwise.
Social Media
Ryan https://undergroundnewswire.substack.com/
Justin https://luxveritatis.substack.com/
Knowledge Based Substack
Justin Deschamps is an epistemologist, researcher, and public speaker, passionate about omniology. He discusses a wide range of topics for the betterment of mankind in and through the enhanced capacity to think critically, discern wisely, and expose corruption. He hosts Vigilant News and Knowledge Based on Badlands Media, and writes, produces, and hosts the show Into The Storm on Rise.tv.
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