Charity Linch, Policy Analyst for America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS), shares her reasons for fighting the good fight that has come into focus for so many people across the world.
Founded in 2019, AFLDS took center stage in the fight against health totalitarianism in the wake of oppressive and ineffective COVID-19 policies imposed by transnational organizations like the World Health Organization.
On July 27th, 2020, Simone Gold, Stella Immanuel, and Rep Ralph Normal (R)—along with over a dozen other prestigious healthcare professionals—held a press conference on the steps of the US Supreme Court to give voice to reason in response to the increasingly disastrous and fallacious COVID-19 response.
The backlash from officialdom was swift and unrelenting. And yet, despite a ceaseless assault on those brave voices who declared a return to science-based healthcare, AFLDS has gained more respect and admiration worldwide from both healthcare professionals and the public in general.
“People need to wake up to what is happening behind the scenes,” Charity said, speaking to issues that are important for the fight for health freedom, in a response to several questions asked of her by Vigilant News.
The freedoms and dignity of people all over the world have been under assault for some time, most palpably in the wake of COVID-19. Government officials and self-declared experts like Bill Gates—who is neither a doctor nor a scientist—push ineffective and toxic vaccines for a disease that has a 99% survival rate. This is despite several safe and effective treatments that have been ignored, AFLDS argues, such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.
“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” ~ Benjamin Franklin
The sentiments of Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the United States, are echoed by Charity’s thoughts.
“The first thing everyone needs to do is read the Constitution. How can you fight for rights if you don’t know what they are?” she said. “People must start attending local meetings to know what is happening at their local level. Who is in place? What are they doing?”
All too often, the work-a-day ultra-busy lifestyle of the modern age robs citizens of the time and mental attention needed to understand the slowly rising tide of encroachment of God-given inalienable rights. Charity correctly recognizes ”We must be vigilant and stand up for ourselves,” especially as so many people unwittingly sacrifice their rights in the name of protecting the health of others, an admirable goal.
But as Charity relays, “Many people are comfortable. Those people won’t act until they are forced to.” Historically, the rise of authoritarian dictatorships, like Hitler’s Germany, and Lenin’s USSR, required a compliant and content population, even as chaos erupted around them.
Charity said, “In our community, we formed brigades. Each brigade is an area that freedom fighters need to keep an eye out.” Brigade here means non-violent peaceful civil action. Despite the fake-news media’s incessant quest to paint those who disagree with the globalist narrative as domestic terrorists, the patriots at AFLDS recognize that respect for the rule of law is paramount, even if those in power fail to uphold their oaths and honor the rule of law.
Like the horrors of the Civil War of the 19th century, the battle lines are drawn through families and friend groups. “The opposition that has been most troubling to me is my own older children,” Charity said.
“I have children from a previous marriage that went to public school (unlike my younger children). These children have 3 parents, and each set of grandparents, who are very right-wing thinkers. Yet, the public school system has had such an influence that they think like socialists.”
The persuasive influence of “a Marxist school system” that is “meant to indoctrinate instead of educating” has made reasonable discussion at the dinner table difficult for many Americans. Charity’s own experience is no exception.
“Common Core discourages critical thinking,” Charity suggests as a reason for the irrationality in citizen-level discussions of these issues. ”It is heartbreaking to see it in my own children,” she laments, a sentiment that is increasingly felt by Americans about many issues. She continues, “As they get older, I know they will see the truth in what their parents taught them vs. what the schools indoctrinated them with.”
“We have let this takeover of the globalists go too far,” Charity cites as one of the key causes for the growing division and chaos affecting people across the world. The solution, she said, is to “keep close to God and follow His plan….”
”Awareness is necessary to fight the evil coming against us. If we do not see the enemy, how could there even be a fight?”
Charity’s reasons are not uncommon. The explosion of interest in freedom-oriented organizations like AFLDS has grown sharply in the past two years.
What is to be done, and what role does America play? Charity answers, “the buck stops with America. When we save America, we save the world.”
You can read Charity’s full responses to questions posed by Vigilant News below in bold.
1. What caused you to become more politically activated?
For me, I have always been politically motivated.
I grew up in a home where you had to know what was going on to be able to contribute to the conversation at dinner. Those were the incredible Reagan years. 20 years ago, Alex Jones showed me what I already knew but couldn’t put my finger on. I was very active with everything I could put my hands on in college and participated in the Tea Party during the Obama years.
2. Clay Clark coined the new verb, Paul Revering for America, what issues do you think are important to be raising awareness about?
The issues are the effects of the problem. People need to wake up to what is happening behind the scenes. We need to always be asking why. Often, what we are focused on can only be solved by going deeper to the root of the cause. We have a globalist group trying to take over, and we must not comply or cooperate in any sense.
3. What are some first steps for the viewer who wants to get involved locally?
The first thing everyone needs to do is read the Constitution. How can you fight for rights if you don’t know what they are? People must start attending local meetings to know what is happening at their local level. Who is in place? What are they doing? Once again, always ask why.
4. What are the biggest challenges you’ve seen at the local level?
In our community, we have a good group of people. We are active and no one is looking to build their own ego. I have seen individual pride get in the way in several communities. We must work together and realize we are at war. We have been infiltrated and are being attacked. We must be vigilant and stand up for ourselves.
Many people are comfortable. Those people won’t act until they are forced to. Others want to do something, but don’t know what to do.
In our community, we formed brigades. Each brigade is an area that freedom fighters need to keep an eye out. We have a school brigade, a city council brigade, a farmer’s brigade, etc. The brigades go to the meetings, ask questions, report back to the group what is happening, and even call for reinforcements when necessary. It works well because it gives people ownership and continues to motivate us as we see different areas that we need to stay on top of. We use the term “brigade” and not “committee”, as we are way past committees. We don’t want anyone to lose sight of the fact that we are under attack.
5. What opposition have you encountered?
The opposition that has been most troubling to me is my own older children. I have children from a previous marriage that went to public school (unlike my younger children). These children have 3 parents, and each set of grandparents, who are very right-wing thinkers. Yet, the public school system has had such an influence that they think like socialists. One of the 2 leans more right, but still has ideas that were instilled in a Marxist school system, meant to indoctrinate instead of educate. Common Core discourages critical thinking and is purposeful in its far-left ideology. Our state opted to not do Common Core. The federal government played the funding card, and our weak legislators prostituted the schools, allowing Common Core under a different guise. The schools must still meet the Oklahoma Academic Standards, which align perfectly with Common Core. It is heartbreaking to see it in my own children. As they get older, I know they will see the truth in what their parents taught them vs. what the schools indoctrinated them with.
6. How important are faith and community for combatting globalism?
We have let this takeover of the globalists go too far. We cannot win without the help of the Great I Am. To win this war, we must keep close to God and follow His plan. It is not important; it is imperative.
7. What’s more important, raising awareness or donating politically? Or neither?
Both are important. What makes the globalists so powerful is the money and power behind them. We must fund the efforts to save our world. Many are only trying to save America, but the buck stops with America. When we save America, we save the world.
Awareness is necessary to fight the evil coming against us. If we do not see the enemy, how could there even be a fight?
Justin Deschamps is an epistemologist, researcher, and public speaker, passionate about omniology. He discusses a wide range of topics for the betterment of mankind in and through the enhanced capacity to think critically, discern wisely, and expose corruption. He hosts Vigilant News and Knowledge Based on Badlands Media, and writes, produces, and hosts the show Into The Storm on Rise.tv.
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