Dr. Robert Malone, an increasingly outspoken mRNA pioneer, biochemist, and American physician believes that Anthony Fauci’s sudden retirement is the result of dwindling popularity and the very real possibility that he will be investigated should the Republicans take back the house this November.
Dr.Malone recently interviewed with John Soloman’s “Just the News, Not Noise” show, where he had some interesting things to say. “There’s clearly some major turbulence going on within HHS right now,” he said “I suspect it’s driven by the polls and the upcoming election.”
The interview comes on the heels of Fauci announcing he would be stepping down at the end of the year from his duties as both director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and his role as chief White House medical advisor.
“I found that fascinating,” Malone told Just the News’s John Solomon and Amanda Head. “It was totally unexpected, I think, by any of us. And of course, there’s been no hints — other than Fauci suggesting that he’s going to work on his books and do what he can to mentor other young scientists and promote the development of science and the enterprise.”
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Fauci has served as the director of NIAID since the Reagan era and is known for being the highest paid federal employee in the entire Government, raking in over $417,000 in 2020 from salary alone.
In addition to his comments on Fauci, Dr.Malone expressed his doubts that the U.S. can vaccinate its way out of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“It appears that the majority of us have had our coronavirus infections have developed natural immunity, it’s relatively protective” Malone said. “The virus seems to be evolving to be less pathogenic, but more infectious — a normal pathway. And I don’t have a good crystal ball right now, but I as a vaccinologist, I’ve always been wary that we were going to succeed in developing a safe and effective coronavirus vaccine.”
Fauci admitted last month that the COVID vaccines don’t protect “overly well” against COVID.

Ryan DeLarme is an American journalist navigating a labyrinth of political corruption, overreaching corporate influence, a burgeoning censorship-industrial complex, compromised media, and the planned destruction of our constitutional republic. He writes for Badlands Media and is also a Host and Founder at Vigilant News. Additionally, his writing has been featured in American Thinker, the Post-Liberal, Winter Watch, Underground Newswire, and Stillness in the Storm. He’s also writes for alt-media streaming platforms Dauntless Dialogue and Rise.tv. Ryan enjoys gardening, kung fu, creative writing and fighting to SAVE AMERICA
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